The Everfrost
Welcome to the Everfrost...

Far to the north, beyond the peaks of the Barrier Mountains, lies the vast tundra of the Everfrost. To outsiders, this is a harsh, unforgiving land that lies far beyond the boundaries of civilization. A place haunted by the spirits of those who have been taken by the cold and left to wander the frozen wastes for all eternity. But there are those who call this inhospitable environment home; a people made hard as ice and sharpened by the cold. They are a proud, fearless society who draw their roots from a lost culture long forgotten by the rest of Arnesse. A people long ago conquered, passing what remains of their ancient practices down in the hopes of keeping the fires of their heritage alive just a bit longer. To many, the Northmen are warlike savages, best known for the terror they sow in others when their horns sound on the horizon. Those who come to know them find they are honorable warriors whose word is stronger than the iron mountains they live in the shadows of.
Visit the Everfrost supplements from the library below to read more about the faction.

The Everfrost Library
Links & Downloads
The supplement for the Everfrost, containing information that generally everyone who lives there would know.
The House Hale supplement, containing additional information that higher classes of society, such as Nobles, Knights, Vigil, and Magisters would know.
The Attire of the Everfrost
House Hale and the folk of the Everfrost is characterized by practicality. Leather and furs keep them warm in the cold Everfrost. Men and women wear layered versions of the clothes found in the Highfolk and Commonfolk sections of the Pinterest board. Some women wear apron dresses. Regardless of gender, finely worked metal clasps and pins and detailed leather goods are appreciated. Common colors are brown, tan, yellow, blue, and green.